

Order ID cards (ÖGV)

The ID cards are ordered directly from website.

Show play rights on ID cards

Use the field „Function (Club)„ from PC CADDIE to have additional information printed on the ÖGV passes. This field is used within the ÖGV mostly for the imprint of the playing rights, but can also be used for printing the function, such as: manager, president, secretary or greenkeeper.

Use the PC CADDIE menu Fill playing permissions and functions automatically to avoid entering the playing rights for each person individually.

:!: Important: Make a Fast backup beforehand.

Proceed according to these points:

1. Please tick the box so that the field will be filled afterwards

2. The text that should be printed on the card is entered here. At this point, you can also work with the characteristics fields from the person list. e.g. <OPTION02.> = Membership <OPTION03.> = Status .
Pay attention to the character length (max. 28 characters are allowed) and make sure you set a point after the number of the feature.

3. If this checkbox is set, any already stored function will be deleted. Do not tick this box if you want to keep the already entered functions.

4. Here you can define the group of persons and thus assign the the appropriate playing rights to the corresponding membership status.

5. If the check mark for „and only members inside this selection“ is set, should you ever forget the filter „only for members“ in a group of people, this box will still fill the field only with your members.

Have you made all the settings? Then click OK

Please tick the correct answers - 1 to 3 answers may be correct.
Please make a fast backup, if you haven't done it already.

The process begins after you press Start.

Checking the assigned game rights

Now you can use a List of persons with the field <FUNCTION> to check again the allocation of the game rights. If everything is correct, you can place the order.

Start the ID card ordering process

Before you can order the badges via PC CADDIE or also via individual IDs ( Karten bestellen/abbestellen), you must first upload all the members to via the PC CADDIE menu: Setup/Program options/Intranet configuration/Upload all members.

You can also double-check the field „Function“ at individual IDs, as shown in the following screenshot.

en/personen/spielrechtausweis/spielrechtausweis.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/09/30 14:48 von emilia
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