

Copy EC-Cash debit files

This is only possible offline with the additional module EC-Cash.

Here the EC cash charges are copied to create a DTAUS file. You can find more about this topic under Create a debiting-file.

Accounts/Cash report opens the following window:

Click on Export EC-Cash-Payments to bank to open the following window; now click on Setup.

The following window opens:

:!: Carefully fill in the following points:

  • 1. The Target location can be a data medium (for example, USB Stick) but it can also be in a folder on your computer. Ultimately, a file called „DTAUS“ will be generated here, which you either send to the bank or read directly into your online banking program.
  • 2. The Intended use is visible on the customers' bank statements

  • 3. Making the settings in the Additional tab are optional and not necessary. A check-mark on „family member subtotals“ means that customers' bank statements also show how much is deducted for partners or children. The „maximum number“ 13 cannot be increased, that is the maximum number of lines on the bank statements that can be displayed. You can also see this on the checklist.

  • 4. In the Bank details tab, you can fill in the fields that are still empty in the screenshot after pressing Edit bank details . The direct debits are then posted to this bank account.

Confirm with OK. You will return to the initial window.

Click Start.

The following window opens. Click OK.

Then click on Print.

You can create a checklist of the export by clicking on the button Check export + print.

en/kasse/kasseabrechnen/eccashbelastungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
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